Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Pemebentukan diri itu dipengaruhi orang lain.

ini dapat dijelaskan melalui 3 tahap yaitu:
seseorang mempunyai presepsi mengenai pandangan orang lain terhadapnya.
Seseorang mempunyai presepsi mengenai penilaian orang lain terhadap penampilannya.
Seseorang mempunyai perasaan terhadap apa yang dirasakannya sebagai penilaian orang lain terhadapnya.
Contoh: ada seorang anak yang selalu mendapatkan nilai jelek di sekolahnya (menyindir diri sendiri) dan kemudian orang-orang atau guru disekolahnya menganggapnya bodoh, dan dia juga merasa bahwa nilainya kurang sehingga dia merasa kalau dia kurang dihargai oleh guru disekolahnya. Jadi inilah yang dimaksud perasaan diri sendiri merupakan pencerminan dari penilaian orang lain. Perasaan yang timbul dalam benak anak itu telah dipengaruhi oleh penilaian orang lain meskipun orang lai yang menilai itu sungguh-sungguh atau hanya sekedar dengan maksut supaya anak itu berubah mejadi pintar. Jadi jangan pernah mengatakan bahwa murid anda bodoh, jangan pernah mengatakan bahwa anak anda nakal, dan jangan pernah mengatakan kalau putra anda tidak berguna.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

eternal mountains, mountain Fujiyama.

History of Mount Fujiyama
In ancient times a pair of grandparents living in villages in japan. The work of his grandfather was a lumberjack bamboo. One day grandfather went to cut bamboo, bamboo he saw a glowing like gold. Then the old man cut down the bamboo trees and found a girl about 9 cm tall.Then his grandfather took the girl went home and cleaned the boy's name Kaguya. After treating Kaguya, every grandfather went into the mountains to cut bamboo, the bamboo is definitely found in gold. The life they became prosperous thanks to Kaguya.After a long care for her daughter grow up to be a princess Kaguya highly. Many men who wanted to marry the princess Kaguya, but the princess Kaguya always reject them. Princess Kaguya think of a way to reject their applications by having brought the goods impossible. The men arrived with the requested items, but all the stuff that was taken was counterfeit because the goods demanded the impossible princess Kaguya found on this earth.Tonight the moon will of the full moon come soon. kaguya Looking at the moon, Kaguya princess wept in grief. Grandpa and grandma was worried why her beloved daughter to feel sad. Finally princess Kaguya convey his feelings kapada grandparents. He admitted that he actually came from the moon and must return to the moon during a full moon arrives. Princess Kaguya sad at having to leave her beloved grandfather and grandmother. Because do not want to lose the princess Kaguya, the grandfather and grandmother tried to defend when the princess Kaguya princess picked up by delegates month to return to the moon. But his efforts were in vain. Finally went to the moon princess Kaguya.As a memento and token of gratitude, Kaguya princess gave no kusuri Fushi is the medicine for eternal life to the grandparents who had been cared for him. But, grandfather set fire to the drug because he feels although it can live forever by drinking the medicine, the old man feels his life is worthless without Kaguya. Grandfather burn medicine on the highest mountain peak in Japan. Mountain where his grandfather set fire to the drug was then given the name Fushi no Yama, which means the eternal mountains and the mountain now known as Fujiyama. 
Mount fuji is located in the west of Tokyo on the border of Shizuoka and Yamanashi, near the Pacific coast in central Honshu. Mount Fuji is Japan's highest mountain. Fuji is surrounded by three cities: Gotemba, Fuji-Yoshida and Fujinomiya. High mountain is 3776 m. surrounded by five lakes namely Kawaguchi, Yamanaka, Sai, Motosu and Shoji. Mount fuji increasingly looks beautiful with the lake-lake. Mount Fuji is a volcano which is still active. Fuji last erupted in 1707.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

instal ulang dan trik idm di warnet.

emang kesel sih kalau idm minta suruh register terus karena udah diblok, walaupun pakai serial number kayak apapun tetep aja gak bisa, instal ulang udah, trus kok tetep minta register lagi,,, kesel kan..
ada cara nih, soalnya aku juga pernah kayak gitu, untungnya ngikutin saran temen.
langkah pertama uninstal idm, biarin pc ngerestart terlebih dahulu, kemudian masuk ke run

, ketik regedit, klik ok,
trus masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

kemudian masuk ke SOFTWARE kemudian delete folder internet download manager, dan langkah terahir adalah instal idm yang baru.
sekedara saran pakai idm yang agak lama saja biar gak perlu masukin serial number, misalnya idm versi 5.18 , dan jangan update lagi, soalnya temen ane udah pakai 1 tahun gak ada masalah.. ..

trik idm di warnet

sebenarnya pakai yang potable juga bisa, cuman ada yang bisa dan ada yang enggak, buat ngelabuhi deepfreeze caranya setelah instal idm, yang penting jangan instal di C , instal di D aja, setelah instal ubah nama atau rename shortcutnya jadi apa aja, yang tertulis idman ubah jadi apa aja.. .. misalnya jadi hsdjfh atau skdjdkf , dan,,,, ,,, eng ing eng.. .. idm siap pakai,, ,,
semoga dapat membantu.. ..

kumpulan kata kata one piece

sebenernya ini pernah aku postin di blog lamaku, cuma karena blog lama jarang aku urus, jadi aku repost ke sini aja.. .. .. ..

- "makanlah jika kau lapar". ini adalah kata-kata sang kapten straw hat monkey d. luffy
- "impian manusia tidak akan pernah berahir". kata-kata ini di ucapkan oleh mashal d. teach
atau kurohige. kata-kata itu juga pernah di ucapkan oleh sang raja bajak laut gold d. roger
(ayahnya portgas d. ace)
- "kenapa dalam bertarung aku tidak pernah menggunakan tangan?, tangan adalah harta karun paling
berharaga dari seorang koki". kata-kata dari sanji.
- shanks. "tidak apa walaupun aku di pukul oleh botol sake, atau di permainkan oleh kalian semua..
itu semua bukan masalah,, tapi aku tidak akan pernah memaafkan seseorang yang menyakiti sahabatku".
(saat luffy masih kecil, di awal-awal anime one piece)
- dokter hiluluk. "kapan seseorang akan mati?,, saat dia terkena tembakan?,, tidak.., saat dia
terkena penyakit mematikan?,, tidak.., saat dia meminum sup dari jamur beracun?,, tidak..
seseorang akan mati apabila dia telah di lupakan".
- mr. 2.(anak buahnya crocodile). "ada yang tersesat di jalan seorang pria, ada juga yang tersesat
di jalan seorang wanita. tetapi tidak ada seorangpun yang akan tersesat di jalan seorang manusia
sejati". beh... yang ini emang paling keren, tapi kira-kira si mr. 2 tersesat di jalan yang mana ya?,
dia kan kayak banci. mungkin dia gak tersesat, tapi bingung ditengah-tengah.
- monkey d. luffy. "untuk apa menahklukan lautan??, aku tidak mau menahklukan apapun. aku hanya berpikir
bahwa seseorang yang dapat mengarungi lautan luas dengan bebaslah yang di sebut dengan raja
bajak laut". belum pernah denger yang ini sih, soalnya aku cuma baca sampai chapter dimana
ace di bebaskan dari penjara.
- gold. d roger. "dunia adalah benar, jika mimpi tiada ahir adalah penuntunmu, maka mewujudkannya adalah
suatu hal yang benar".
- roronoa zorro."bertarunglah dengan kehormatan sebagai seorang pendekar pedang".
- sanji/si kaki hitam. " adalah tugas seorang pria untuk memaafkan kebohongan wanita". beh.... sanji bisa aja.
oh ya ada satu lagi kata-kata yang sering di ucapin sanji, "nami sayang.....". gubrak...
- shirohige(ayah angkatnya ace, dia juga imbang waktu bertarung melawan roger,katanya..)
"meski di sebut monster ataupun setan, aku tidak bisa menjadi manusia terkuat selamanya. asal bisa menyambungkan
nyawa anak muda di masa depan, aku mundur setelah itu juga boleh kan?". dia pengen ace jadi pengganti roger, sampai-
sampai saat ace di tangkap pun shirohige turun tangan buat ngebebasin ace, malahan dia di bantu sama orang-orang kuat. eh ahirnya keduanya mati.
- nico robin. " orang yang sudah mati dapat mengatakan lebih banyak hal dari pada yang bisa mereka lakukan". hiks...
nyindir orang yang banyak omong nih....
- roronoa zorro. "luka di punggung adalah aib bagi seorang pendekar pedang". itu semua gara-gara mihawk. zorro tetep
semangat...,hiks.... ^_^
Magellan : "Saya sebenarnya lebih suka ruangan gelap dan terkunci. Kalau perlu kunci sekalian isi hati saya" (One Piece vol.54)
- franky. "keberdaan seseorang bukanlah suatu dosa".
- roronoa zorro "teman baik pasti akan bertemu lagi". pada saat itu usop menjawab "kau ingin ke surga ya zorro", hahaha,,, ,, ,, lalu zorro balik menjawab mau ku bunuh kau ya,,, ,, ,, ,,
-gol d. roger "dulu aku pernah di sini, kata-kata ini lah yang membimbingku samapi ahir", sebenernya ini bukan kata kata yang keren sih, menurutku kata-kata inilah inti dari one piece.
- roronoa zorro "air, api, tanah dan udara adalah benda yang tidak berwujud", menurutku ini juga keren.. .., diucapkan saat zorro latihan.


1. Cinta adalah Badai(Boa Hancok)

2. Dunia Kriminal Masih Disebut bermoral dari pada Penguasa Yang tamak Setidaknya kita tidak menutup nutupi kesalahan itu (EustassKid)

3. Ketika Dunia Dikuasai Oleh sampah Maka Dunia akan Melahirkan sampah(EustassKid)[ ane suka sama yang ini gan ]

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Song Hye Gyo is included in the list of 20 most beautiful women.

Many magazines and web sites that compete for anyone surveying the most beautiful woman in the world. One of them is TC Candler. Since 1990, this website regularly issued a list of The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces. This year, for the first time a Korean woman's name. She is Song Hye Gyo. Song Hye Gyo position 18, which is even higher than Megan Fox is only ranked 64th. Beauty Song Hye Gyo touted as "perfect", and maybe his name could be found in the top 10 next year.
  Here is a list of 20 most beautiful women of the web:

1. Camilla Belle
2. Emma Watson
3. Tamsin Egerton
4. Leighton Meester
5. Alison Brie
6. Freida Pinto
7. Alice Eve
8. Emily DiDonato
9. Amanda Seyfried
10. Christina Hendricks
11. Kate Beckinsale
12. Marion Cotillard
13. Keira Knightley
14. Natalie Portman
15. Rose Byrne
16. Rihanna
17. January Jones
18. Song Hye Gyo
19. Emily Blunt
20. Rachel Weisz

source: http://id.omg.yahoo.com/blogs/100-wanita-tercantik-di-dunia-blog_editor-44.html

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Socio-cultural background makes communication effective.

Effective communication is the communication that results in accordance with the expectations of people who do the communication. For example, sellers who come to the house to offer goods deemed to have effective communication if the host wanted to buy stuff. But in reality, not like that. No human being the exact same, even humans who are born twins still differ in some respects. Human lebh interested to communicate with people who have in common with him. For example language similarities. Common language enables humans to communicate easily, and get the same sense.

A poor man can marry with beautifull girl, a college graduate can be good friends with an elementary school graduate, a white man can have relationships with black people. It all happened because they feel they have a similarity in some respects and can accept the differences of each. A message, verbal or nonverbal basically bound culture. A story of humor can make people laugh, but also can make people feel bored.

news : Fishermen found the ancient ship in the Mentawai islands.

Fishermen discovered the wreck Mentawa island that contains the objects Antic 14th century relic that swept into coastal waters by the tsunami waves on 26 October 2010. Wreck was discovered off the coast of the island of Mentawai Sandiang. Wreck of the ship with a length of 20 meters and has one main pillar that is still intact was found fishing at a depth of 18 meters below sea level. According to the Department of Marine, the ship found a number of antiques in the form of ceramics and jug-jug Sun Dynasty relics of ancient China the 12th century until the 14th. It is estimated that the wreck in the seabed of the Indian Ocean tsunami swept into the sea islands of South Pagai and stranded under the sea around the island Sandiang. pursuant to sink a boatload of goods controlled by the state and could be auctioned and the results entered into the state treasury.

: http://id.news.yahoo.com/antr/20101214/tpl-nelayan-mentawai-temukan-bangkai-kap-cc08abe.html

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

National Park Teluk Cendrawasih

toParadise Bay National Park is representative coral reefs, beaches, mangrove islands and mainland tropical forests in Papua / Irian Jaya.

Paradise Bay National Park is the largest marine national park in Indonesia, consists of inland and coastal (0.9%), mainland islands (3.8%), coral reefs (5.5%), and ocean waters ( 89.8%).
Potential reef Cendrawasih Bay National Park recorded 150 species from 15 families, and spread on the banks of 18 large and small islands. The percentage of live coral cover varied between 30.40% to 65.64%. Generally, the coral reef ecosystem is divided into two zones: the reef flat (reef flat) and reef slope zones (reef slope). The types of coral that can be seen include blue coral colony (Heliopora coerulea), black corals (Antiphates sp.), And Pectiniidae Faviidae family, as well as various types of soft corals.

Paradise Bay National Park is rich in well-known fish species. Recorded approximately 209 species of fish among the inhabitants of this region Butterflyfish, angelfish, damselfish, parrotfish, rabbitfish, and anemonefish.

Types of mollusks such as cowries (Cypraea spp.), Snails strombidae (Lambis spp.), Cone snails (Conus spp.), Triton trumpet (Charonia tritonis), and giant clams (Tridacna gigas).

There are four types of turtles that often landed in the national park is the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae), and leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea). Dugongs (Dugong dugon), blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), coconut crabs (Birgus latro), dolphins, and sharks are often seen in the waters of Paradise Bay National Park.
There is a natural cave which is a relic of ancient times, hot springs that contain sulfur without Misowaar salinity on the island, cave in water with a depth of 100 feet in Tanjung Mangguar. A number of relics from the 18th century can still be found in several places, such as Wendesi, Wasior, and Yomber. Many Christians who visit the church in the village Yende (Roon Island), only to see the holy book published in 1898.

several locations / attractions to be visited:
Rumberpon Island. Observation of wildlife (birds), deer breeding, marine tourism, diving and snorkeling, the framework of a Japanese fighter plane crashed in the sea.
Nusrowi Island. Diving and snorkeling, marine tourism, wildlife observation.
Mioswaar Island. Hot springs, waterfalls, diving and snorkelling, wildlife observation and cultural tourism.
Windesi Yoop Island and waters. The observations of whales and dolphins.
Roon Island. Observation of bird species, diving and snorkeling, waterfalls, cultural tourism, and the old church.

The best visiting season: May to October each year.

How to reach the Park: From Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Ujung Pandang, Jayapura, Honolulu and Darwin used the plane to the Biak, Biak further from using aircraft to Manokwari or Nabire. From Jakarta, Surabaya, Ujung Pandang and Jayapura use ships to Manokwari or Nabire. From Manokwari to the Park (Island Rumberpon) using a longboat with a time of 5.5 hours. Or from the town of Manokwari district Ransiki by car about three hours and followed by a motorboat around 2.5 hours.

source : http://mypariwisata.blogspot.com/

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Messages on the face

Human face as still and moving, when the dead as alive, in a pause and when to speak, when seen or understood from the inside, in a state of actual or represented in art or recorded by the camera is a powerful source of information, complex and often confusing. Many say that the facial expressions that can not lie.

The face is a clue to understand one's emotions. We can memperkrakan certain facial expressions we yag associated with a feeling angry, happy, happy, sad, embarrassed. When we do not understand the verbal language of someone, we often rely noverbalnya language, especially facial expressions. Some facial expressions are not based on emotion but mununjukan cognitive reactions. Face member rapid reaction diktakan or what other people do. Such as the eyebrows, the eyebrows are part of a fast face expression.

Fully raised eyebrows = mistrust.
Half lifted = surprised.
Normal = no response or no comment.
Lower half = confusion.
Lowers full = angry.

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

The influence of environment on communications

Why are some nations, especially those areas with four seasons, known as hard-working? Several other nations, especially living on the equator with two seasons known to lazy to work? Why some nations are considered warm, friendly and cheerful, and several other nations known as calm and relaxed. People finland italia think people are too emotional because they were waving and walking. People assume a cheerful Italian Norwegian people unhappy.
We must recognize that physical of environmental where people live affects their behavior, including behavior bekomunikasi. Environmental fiik include geographic earth, climate, weather, air temperature. Behavior is a function of people and the environment. Mempengauhi human environment consists of physical lngkungan, environment and social environment of time. All three influence each other mutually.

Jumat, 26 November 2010

"Time is money" or "we must be patient and do it for the best"?

The people of Europe are not the same in treating time. Russian people do not like the working principles of western people who are always quick. They were guided by time is money. Russian people tend to be slower in the works to their advantage, especially in business negotiations. And in that way makes them better and achieve maximum results. But the German and Swiss people are very strict in treating time. They always used the time very well for the rapid completion of their target.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Cue "okay"

Cue "okay" America that is by making a circle of your thumb and forefinger, while the other three fingers stand, meaning the same in Germany and northern France, but in the southern French means "zero" or "no". In paris "you valuable" and Greek "sexual solicitation." However, in Japan and the Philippines sign means money.imagine what would happen if a woman greek requested permission from the American men to go to his hotel room when he conferred with his business partner in the hotel lobby, the American men respond with American OK sign. It is not impossible that the Greek woman suddenly conk American men. So be careful in suggesting "okay", or your nose will be hit without knowing the reason why your nose was hit.
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